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Aug 15, 2022 | News

Track Rascal and Mini-Track Rascal registrations are now being taken for the Fall Season. The number of registrants for each program is limited by the number of coaches we have available, and the supervision and instruction we can provide. Track Rascals will be limited to 20 athletes, and Mini-track Rascals will be limited to 7 athletes. Once the programs are full, a WAITLIST will be established in case there are withdrawals and/or further coaches hired. If you end up on the WAITLIST, and openings occur, you will receive an email indicating that you should complete your registration (including a link to your registration) and pay the fee. At that time, you will be registered for the program and able to attend the sessions.

Mini Track Rascals (ages 3-5)
Time and Day: Tuesdays, 4:30 pm-5:30 pm
Cost: $75:00
Dates: 8 weeks – September 6th – October 25th
Track Rascals (ages 6-8)
Time and Day: Tuesdays, 4:30 pm-5:30 pm
Cost: $75:00
Dates: 8 weeks -September 6th – October 25th
No T-shirt option for this session.
Those athletes who were registered in TR or Mini-TR programs in 2022 will not be charged the BC Athletics fee because the current membership is good until Dec. 31. Be sure to enter your BC Athletics number (use the lookup function beside the field asking for the number if you don’t know it) so you don’t get assessed that fee.
Registration is on a first-come, first entered basis.
The following link will play a video of one of the fun Track Rascal 60m sprints that took place during the 2022 Dylan Armstrong Classic during a break for lunch. It is a large file and will take a bit of time to open.  Enjoy!!  Track Rascal 60m Run Video.